Sunday, December 25, 2011

မနာလို၀န္တုိတတ္သည္ ့ေယာက်ာ္း....

by အာလူး အာလူး on Sunday, December 25, 2011 at 12:10pm

BANGLADESH-CRIME-DOMESTIC-VIOLENCE-20111216-161044 Hawa Akhter is seen in a hospital in Dhaka on 15, December 2011. Bangladesh police said December 15 they would press charges against a migrant worker accused of cutting off most of his wife's hand after she started studying for a college degree without his permission. Rafiqul Islam tied up his 21-year-old wife, taped up her mouth and then cut off the five fingers of her right hand just hours after he had returned from the United Arab Emirates, police chief Mohammad Salauddin said. AFP PHOTO/ STR (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) AFP/Getty Images
'I've got a surprise for you': Husband blindfolds his wife.... and then chops off her fingers to stop her studying for a degree
18 December 2011 07:42:24
မနာလို၀န္တုိတတ္သည္ ့ေယာက်ာ္း....


၎၏ခြင္ ့ၿပဳခ်က္မရပဲ ဘြဲ ့ရရန္ ပညာဆက္လက္သင္ႀကားခဲ ့သည္ ့ဇနီးၿဖစ္သူအား မနာလုိ၀န္တုိၿဖစ္ကာ သူမ၏လက္ေခ်ာင္းမ်ားအား ဓါးၿဖင္ ့ခုတ္ၿဖတ္ခဲ ့သည္ ့ခင္ပြန္းၿဖစ္သူအမ်ဴိးသားတစ္ဦးဟာ ေထာင္ဒါဏ္အၿပစ္ေပးခံရေတာ ့မွာၿဖစ္ပါတယ္...အသက္ ၃၀ အရြယ္ရွိ ရာဖီကူလ္အစၥလမ္ ဟာ အသက္ ၂၁ ႏွစ္အရြယ္ရွိ ဇနီးၿဖစ္သူ ဟာ၀ါအကၠသာ အားပါးစပ္ကုိ တိပ္ၿဖင္ ့ပိတ္ကာ သူမအား အံ ့ႀသစရာလက္ေဆာင္တစ္ခုေပးမလို ့ဟုေၿပာႀကားခဲ ့ပါတယ္...

ထုိသုိ ့လက္ေဆာင္ေပးမည္ ့အစား သူမ၏လက္အားဆဲြကုိင္ကာ လက္ေခ်ာင္းငါးေခ်ာင္းစလံုးကုိ ခုတ္ၿဖတ္ခဲ ့တာၿဖစ္ပါတယ္...သူရဲ ့ေဆြမ်ဴိးတစ္ဦးက မစၥအကၠသာ ၏လက္ေခ်ာင္းၿပတ္မ်ားအား ဆရာ၀န္မ်ားမွ ၿပန္လည္မဆက္ေပးနုိင္ရန္ အမွဳိက္ပံုးထဲသုိ ့လႊင္ ့ပစ္လိုက္ပါတယ္... 

ထိတ္လန္ ့တုန္လွဳပ္ဖြယ္ရာ ရက္စက္ႀကမ္းႀကဳတ္မွဳၿပဳခံရၿပီးသည္ ့တုိင္ေအာင္ သူမအေနၿဖင္ ့ပညာဆက္လက္သင္ႀကားသြားမည္ဟု ဟာ၀ါအကၠသာ ကေၿပာႀကားခဲ ့ပါတယ္... Hawa Akhter has said she will continue her studies, despite the horrific attack ယူေအအီးနုိင္ငံတြင္ အလုပ္လုပ္ကုိင္ခဲ ့သည္ ့အလုပ္သမားတစ္ဦးၿဖစ္သူ မစၥတာအစၥလမ္ က ဇနီးၿဖစ္သူအေနၿဖင္ ့ပညာသင္ႀကားမွဳအား မစြန္ ့လႊတ္ပါက ၿပင္းထန္ဆုိး၀ါးသည္ ့ဆုိးက်ဴိးမ်ားခံစားရလိမ္ ့မည္ဟု သတိေပးခဲ ့ပါတယ္..." သူဘဂၤလားေဒ ့ရွ္ ကုိၿပန္လာခဲ ့ၿပီးေနာက္ ကြ်န္မနဲ ့သူစကားေၿပာဆုိေဆြးေႏြးပါတယ္...."လို ့မစၥအကၠသာ က တုိင္းမ္စ္ သတင္းစာကုိေၿပာႀကားခဲ ့ပါတယ္..."

ရုတ္တရက္ပဲသူကကြ်န္မမ်က္လံုးေတြကုိ အ၀တ္နဲ ့စည္းလိုက္ၿပီး လက္ေတြကုိလည္းခ်ည္ေနွာင္လုိက္ပါတယ္...သူကကြ်န္မ ပါးစပ္ကုိလည္းတိပ္နဲ ့ပိတ္လုိက္ပါေသးတယ္...ၿပီးေတာ ့သူက ကြ်န္မအံ ့ႀသသြားေစမယ္ ့လက္ေဆာင္ေပးမယ္လုိ ့ေၿပာပါေသးတယ္....ဒါေပမယ္ ့သူက ကြ်န္မလက္ေခ်ာင္းေတြကုိၿဖတ္ၿပစ္လိုက္ပါတယ္..." လုိ ့သူမကေၿပာႀကားခဲ ့ပါတယ္...ဘဂၤလားေဒ ့ရွ္ ရဲတပ္ဖဲြ ့အႀကီးအကဲ မုိဟာမက္ဆလူဒင္ကေတာ ့ ၿမဳိ ့ေတာ္ဒါကာတြင္ မစၥတာအစၥလမ္အားဖမ္းဆီးခဲ ့ၿပီးေနာက္ ၿပစ္မွဳအား၀န္ခံခဲ ့သည္ ့အတြက္ ခႏၶာကုိယ္အစိတ္အပိုင္းအား ၿပတ္ေတာက္ေစသည္ ့အတြက္ တရားစြဲဆုိခံရမွာၿဖစ္တယ္လို ့ေၿပာႀကားလုိက္ပါတယ္..." သူဟာစိတ္ဆုိးေဒါသထြက္ေနခဲ ့တာၿဖစ္ပါတယ္.

..သူကပညာအရည္အခ်င္း ၈ တန္းပဲရွိေနခ်ိန္မွာ သူမကေတာ ့ေကာလိပ္မွာေက်ာင္းဆက္တက္၊ စာဆက္သင္ေနတာၿဖစ္ပါတယ္..." လို ့မစၥတာ ဆလူဒင္ ကေၿပာႀကားခဲ ့ပါတယ္...သူမဟာ ဘယ္ဖက္လက္နဲ ့စာေရးနုိင္ဖုိ ့ေလ ့က်င္ ့ေနၿပီး ပညာဆက္လက္သင္ႀကားဖုိ ့စိတ္ဆံုးၿဖတ္ထားတယ္လုိ ့လည္းမစၥအကၠသာ ကေၿပာႀကားခဲ ့ပါတယ္...ယခုေတာ ့သူမဟာ သူမမိဘမ်ား၏အိမ္တြင္ၿပန္လည္ေရာက္ရွိေနတာၿဖစ္ပါတယ္.

..ယခုကဲ ့သုိ ့အႀကမ္းဖက္မွဳက်ဴးလြန္ၿခင္းဟာ မြတ္ဆလင္အမ်ားစုလႊမ္းမုိးသည့္တုိင္းၿပည္တြင္ ပညာတတ္အမ်ဴိးသမီးမ်ားအား ဦးတည္ကာ ဖိႏွိပ္ခ်ဴပ္ခ်ယ္ တုိက္ခုိက္ၿခင္းမ်ား၏ ေနာက္ဆံုးက်ဴးလြန္မွဳတစ္ခုလည္းၿဖစ္ပါတယ္...လြန္ခဲ ့သည္ ့ဇြန္လကလည္းအလုပ္လက္မဲ ့အမ်ဴိးသားတစ္ဦးကဒါကာတကၠသုိလ္တြင္လက္ပါေမာကၡရာထူး ၿဖင့္ တာ၀န္ထမ္းေဆာင္ေနသည့္ဇနီးၿဖစ္သူအား ကေနဒါတကၠသိုလ္တစ္ခုတြင္ အဆင္ ့ၿမင္ ့ပညာေရးသင္တန္း ဆက္တက္ေနမွဳအေပၚ မနာလုိမရွဳစိမ္ ့နုိင္တာေႀကာင္ ့သူမ၏ မ်က္လံုးမ်ားအား ေဖာက္ထုတ္ပစ္ခဲ ့မွဳၿဖစ္ပြားခဲ ့ပါေသးတယ္...

A jealous husband is facing life in prison after chopping off his wife's fingers because she began studying for a degree without his permission. Rafiqul Islam, 30, blindfolded his wife Hawa Akhter, 21, and taped her mouth, telling her he was going to give her a surprise present.Instead he made her hold out her hand and cut off all five fingers. One of his relatives then threw Ms Akhter's fingers in the dustbin to ensure doctors could not reattach them.Mr Islam, who is a migrant worker in the United Arab Emirates, had warned his wife there would 'severe consequences' if she did not give up her studies.'After he came back to Bangladesh, he wanted to have a discussion with me,' Ms Akhter told The Times.'Suddenly, he blindfolded me and tied myhand. He also taped my mouth saying that he would give me some surprisegifts. But, instead he cut off my fingers.'Mohammed Saluddin, the Bangladesh police chief said that Mr Islam had confessed after he was arrested in the capital, Dhaka, and will face charges of permanent disfiguration.Human rights groups are demanding life imprisonment.'He was enraged. He was jealous because while he only had a grade eight standard education, she was off to college to pursue higher studies,' said Mr Saluddin.Ms Akhter says she is learning to write with her left hand and is determined to resume her studies. She is now back at her parent's house.The attack is the latest in a series of acts targeting educated women in the Muslim-majority company.In June, an unemployed man gouged out the eyes of his wife, an assistant professor at Dhaka University, apparently because he could not stand her pursuing higher studies at a Canadian University.


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