ေျပာနည္း ၁၀၀ အခန္႔သံုး/ အရပ္သံုးစကားေျပာ (အပိုင္း ၆)
25. KEEP A MEETING IN ORDER (အစည္းအေ၀းထံုးစံလိုက္နာမႈရွိေစျခင္း)
We can’t all speak at once.
We can't all speak at once. Heather, you start.
ကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႔အားလံုး၀ိုင္းေျပာေနလို႔မရဘူး။ ဟီသာ ခင္ဗ်ားစေျပာ။
Let’s concentrate on
Let's concentrate on the agenda for the day.
Shall we take turns?
Shall we take turns? We can vote one by one.
အလွည့္က် ေျပာၾကမယ္ေလ။ တစ္ေယာက္ၿပီးတစ္ေယာက္ ဆႏၵမဲေပးႏိုင္တယ္။
Please lower your voice.
Please lower your voice. You won't convince anyone by shouting.
ခင္ဗ်ားအသံနည္းနည္းတိုးေျပာပါ။ (ေဒါသနဲ႔) ေအာ္ေျပာလို႔ ဘယ္သူမွလက္ခံလာမွာမဟုတ္ဘူး။
Will you let Maria speak?
Jason, will you let Maria speak? She has important things to say.
ေဂ်ဆင္။ မာရီယာ့ကိုေျပာခြင့္ေပးပါဦးလား။ သူ႔မွာအေရးႀကီးတာေတြေျပာစရာရွိတယ္။
26. KEEP A MEETING IN TRACK (အစည္းအေ၀းအားလမ္းေၾကာင္းမွန္ထိန္းေပးျခင္း)
That’s another subject
Finance is another subject altogether. Now we'll just talk about sales.
ဘ႑ာေရးက တျခားဘာသာရပ္လံုးလံုးျဖစ္တယ္။ အခု အေရာင္းသက္သက္ကိုပဲ ေဆြးေႏြးၾကမယ္။
We can’t discuss that issue
We can't discuss that issue today. It's not on the agenda.
ကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႔ အဲဒီ ကိစၥကိုဒီေန႔မေဆြးေႏြးႏိုင္ဘူး။ အစီအစဥ္ထဲမွာအဲဒါမပါဘူး။
That's outside the scope
That's outside the scope of our meeting so we'll leave it for now.
အဲဒါ ကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႔အစည္းအေ၀းရဲ႕ ေဘာင္အျပင္ဘက္မွာဆိုေတာ့ အခုေတာ့ခဏေဘးဖယ္ထားလိုက္ပါ။
Let's get back on track
Let's get back on track. We're wasting too much time.
လိုရင္းျပန္ေကာက္ၾကပါစို႔။ ကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႔အခ်ိန္ျဖဳန္းတာမ်ားေနတယ္။
We’re digressing
We're digressing. I want to stick to the main subject.
ကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႔ ေဘးေခ်ာ္ထြက္ေနၿပီ။ ပင္မေခါင္းစဥ္ကိုပဲ ဆက္သြားခ်င္တယ္။
27. COME BACK TO A TOPIC (အေၾကာင္းအရာ၊ ေခါင္းစဥ္သို႔ ျပန္လွည့္ျခင္း)
Now, where were we?
Now, where were we? Yes, prime time ratings.
အခု ေျပာေနတာဘယ္ေရာက္ေနပါလိမ့္။ ေအာ္ဟုတ္ကဲ့ လူၾကည့္မ်ားဆံုးအခ်ိန္ ေအာင္ျမင္မႈအဆင့္အတန္း။
*** prime time ratings. = ေၾကာ္ညာ၊ အစီအစဥ္တစ္ခု၏ ႐ုပ္ျမင္သံၾကား၊ ေရဒီယိုတြင္ ပရိတ္သတ္ၾကည့္႐ႈမႈအမ်ားဆံုးအခ်ိန္ (ဥပမာ ည ၆ နာရီ မွ ၉ နာရီၾကား) တြင္ ၾကည့္႐ႈသူ ရာခိုင္ႏႈန္းအကဲျဖတ္ခ်က္။
What were we saying?
What were you saying when Carol interrupted us?
ကာ႐ိုးျဖတ္ေျပာလိုက္တဲ့အခ်ိန္တုန္းက ခင္ဗ်ားဘာေျပာေနတာလဲ။
As I was explaining
As I was explaining before lunch, higher prices don't always deter buyers.
ေန႔လည္စာမစားခင္ကရွင္းျပခဲ့သလိုဘဲ ေစ်းႏႈန္းႀကီးတာဟာ ၀ယ္ယူသူကို အၿမဲတမ္း အဟန္႔အတားျပဳတာေတာ့ မဟုတ္ဘူး။
Return to
Let's return to point five: Clay Corporation.
ပဥၥမအခ်က္ ကိုျပန္သြားၾကပါစို႔။ Clay Corporation.
This leads us back to
This leads us back to the subject we were discussing yesterday.
ဒီဟာက မေန႔ကကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႔ေျပာေနတဲ့အေၾကာင္းအရာကို ျပန္ဦးတည္ေပးသြားတယ္။
28. POSTPONE AN ISSUE (ကိစၥတစ္ရပ္/ေဆြးေႏြးရန္အေၾကာင္းအရာတစ္ရပ္ကို ေရႊ႕ဆိုင္းျခင္း)
We’ll defer
We'll defer the matter till we have all relevant information.
သက္ဆိုင္တဲ့အခ်က္အလက္ေတြအားလံုးရတဲ့အထိ ဒီကိစၥကို ေရႊ႕ဆိုင္းထားပါမယ္။
Let’s leave
Let's leave this issue aside for the time being.
အခုေလာေလာဆယ္ေတာ့ ဒီကိစၥကို ေဘးဖယ္ထားၾကပါစို႔။
It’s too late to
It's too late to discuss advertising today. We'll have more time tomorrow.
ေၾကာ္ျငာကိစၥေဆြးေႏြးဖို႔ဒီေန႔ေနာက္က်ေနၿပီ။ မနက္ဖန္အခ်ိန္ပိုရတယ္။
Shall we leave it for?
Shall we leave the final decision for this afternoon's session?
ေနာက္ဆံုးဆံုးျဖတ္ခ်က္ကို ေန႔လည္အစည္းအေ၀း အတြက္ထားလိုက္မလား/(ပါစို႔)။
Let’s postpone
Let's postpone the discussion till everyone has arrived.
အားလံုးစံုစံုညီညီေရာက္တဲ့အထိ ေဆြးေႏြးပြဲကို ေရႊ႕ဆိုင္းၾကပါစို႔။
31. FOCUS ON THE MAIN ISSUE (အဓိကျပႆနာေပၚအာ႐ံုစိုက္ျခင္း)
The major
The only major problem we need to solve is absenteeism.
ကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႔ေျဖရွင္းရမည့္တစ္ခုတည္းေသာ အဓိကျပႆနာက ခြင့္မဲ့ပ်က္ကြက္ျခင္းပဲ။
Our primary concern is
Our primary concern isn't only increased sales but better quality as well.
ကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႔ရဲ႕ပဓာနအေလးထားစရာကိစၥက အေရာင္းတိုးတက္လာတာသာမဟုတ္ဘဲနဲ႔ အေရအေသြးပါပိုေကာင္းလာဖို႔ျဖစ္တယ္။
What is the real issue?
What's the real issue? Managers are not committed to their jobs.
တကယ့္ျပႆနာကဘာလဲ။ မန္ေနဂ်ာေတြဟာ သူတို႔အလုပ္ေပၚထိထိေရာက္ေရာက္ႏွစ္ျမွဳပ္မထားၾကဘူး။
The most important
The most important hurdle of this negotiation is to convince Mr Lewis.
ဒီညွိႏႈိင္းေဆြးေႏြးပြဲရဲ႕ အေရးအႀကီးဆံုးအခက္အခဲက Mr Lewis ကိုယံုေအာင္နားခ် ဖို႔ပဲျဖစ္တယ္။
We really need
We really need to look after our workforce.
ကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႔ရဲ႕လုပ္အားစု(၀န္ထမ္း)ေတြကို ၾကည့္႐ႈေစာင့္ေရွာက္ဖို႔ တကယ္လိုအပ္တယ္။
Tags: ဇာနည္(MyWay)
Read more: ေျပာနည္း ၁၀၀ အခန္႔သံုး/အရပ္သံုးစကားေျပာ (အပိုင္း ၆) - Myanmar Networkhttp://www.myanmar-network.net/forum/topic/show?id=3423487%3ATopic%3A847915&xgs=1&xg_source=msg_share_topic##ixzz2RWgTSYYs
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